About Us

Kadira Estate Managment Agency

Kadira Estate Management Agency Kadira Estate Management Agency Award(Pvt) Ltd (KEMA) is a Property Management firm mainly offering superior range of Real Estate and Property Development Services. The range of services rendered by us.

Established in the year 2010 ,we have been entrusted on providing all our services by qualified experts, and our centralized location at Galle the word heritage, helps us to deliver effective services promptly.

We offer our range of Property Management Services and other Extra Services using the expertise of experienced industry professional and their collective industry experience and depth knowledge on the associated subjects help us to handle the demand effectively and deliver better range of services to our clients.

Established in the year 2010, KEMA is functioning under the able guidance and Experience of Mr. Jothirathna Kadirahettiarachchi, who has with extensive Knowledge and skills in the field of property management .we have been entrusted on providing all our services by qualified experts, and our centralized location at Galle the word heritage, helps us to deliver effective services promptly.

We offer our range of Property Management Services and other Extra Services using the expertise of experienced industry professional and their collective industry experience and depth knowledge on the associated subjects help us to handle the demand effectively and deliver better range of services to our clients.